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Whether you have an existing web presence, or are considering your options for the first time, DigitalWires can provide the tools and expertise you need to develop an effective, professional web strategy. Contact us today for a free evaluation.
Website Design & Hosting St. Marys, Dubois, Bradford PA

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106 Las Glorias Rd.
St. Marys, PA 15857

Phone or Text

(814) 594-9980
Check Here For Quick Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we get an email only account at Digitalwires using our domain?

Yes. We can setup email for you using or many other TLD’s like .biz or .co. We have several plans to choose from depending on how many email addresses you need. All of your accounts will come with Spam Assassin, auto-responders and webmail access. Please contact us with you requirements and we will setup a customer plan for you.

How effective is your spam program, Spam Assassin?

Spam Assassin can block up to 95% of spam email, while leaving legitimate email pass through uninterrupted. There is no software for you to install and maintain; the software resides on the DigitalWires server and can be customized to your requirements. The software is continuously updated to guard against new spam threats.

Do all hosting accounts include the Security & Maintenance service?

Yes. We include this package as an extra measure to keep your website and email free from hacking and malware. Although our server has excellent security measures in place, we go the extra mile to protect one of your most valuable assets – your online reputation.

We don't have a domain name yet. Can you help us with that?

Sure. We have purchased domain names for many of our clients. Just give us an idea of the domain name you are looking for and we will do the rest. Sometimes the exact domain you are looking to purchase is already taken. We can suggest other ideas and variations of that name.

If you purchase a domain name for us, do we own the domain name?

Yes, you do. We will register the domain in your name using your contact information. Although the domain will be registered under our account, you are free to move the domain at anytime. We place it under our account so that it will auto-renew every year – there is no need to worry that it will expire unexpectedly.

Can we host with you but have our email with a different provider?

Yes. We have some clients who prefer GMail or another system and we can easily accomodate that. Often though, once our clients try our webmail system, they find it very similar to Gmail and prefer to have us host their email as well. No ads and complete privacy is a big benefit.
About DigitalWires Inc.

A full-service web hosting, design and marketing company, DigitalWires specializes in helping small and medium-sized businesses develop internet strategies to enhance their current marketing efforts.


Contact us today!

DigitalWires Inc.
106 Las Glorias Rd.
St. Marys, PA 15857

(814) 594-9980
Skype: digitalwires